Welcome to Nankin Transit.

Nankin Transit offers curb-to-curb service for seniors and the disabled. Nankin Transit serves seniors and disabled that reside in the cities of Wayne, Westland, Inkster, Garden City & Canton.

Nankin Transit meetings  are held the 3rd Thursday of every month, located at the Jefferson Barns Community Center, Located at 32150 Dorsey, Westland, MI 48186 at 5:45 P.M.




Covid 19 Information

How is Nankin Transit keeping passengers safe during this pandemic?

Nankin Transit has been completely operational since the start of this pandemic as we are deemed essential by the State of Michigan and Homeland Security. We implemented a cleaning regime with our drivers to, throughout the day, wipe down the seats and frequently touched surfaces in the buses with bleach and other disinfectant solutions. We provided masks, shields, and hand sanitizer for our staff and even have masks available for any rider that did not have a mask or forgot theirs.

In August of 2020, we added another dimension to keep our passengers safe by adding once-a-day cleaning with portable UV-C lights. UV-C light has been in use for over 40 years. It is being used to clean mass transit buses and train cars, hospital operating rooms, wastewater treatment plants, and food processing plants. UV-C light kills 99.9% of all germs, viruses, bacteria, spores, mold, and other harmful microbes including the Covid-19 virus.

So rest assured we are doing all we can to keep our passengers and drivers safe as we get you to and from your destination.